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MTA Annual General Meeting

NOTICE is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the Malta Taekwondo Association to be held on Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 18:30 hours. The meeting will be held in English. Maltese communication will be possible with a free translation afforded to those attending, if necessary.

The venue for the meeting will be at the IPES Sport Hall which is located within the building hosting the Maltese Olympic Committee head office at Maria Teresa Spinellii Street, Gzira.


(not necessarily in order)

• Opening remarks.

• Receiving the Accounts for Year ending December 2023.

• President’s Statement.

• Motions to approve bylaws and amend the Statute.

• Matters arising.

• Elections of the Executive Committee members for 2024-2027.

• Closure of Meeting.


Affiliate members* wishing to contest any of the posts on the Executive Council should submit a nomination form to the Secretary by not later than 23rd January 2024 at 18:00 hours.

The form should include the member’s CV, police conduct certificate and the Duty of Care form duly signed.


Affiliate members* of the MTA are reminded that any resolutions should be made in writing and reach the MTA Secretary by not later than 16th January 2024 at 18:00 hours.

The MTA will communicate these resolutions by 17th January 2024. Any amendments to a proposed resolution must be made in writing and handed to the MTA Secretary by the 23rd January 2022 at 18:00 hours.

Any resolutions/amendments require the final approval or otherwise of World Taekwondo. The nominations and the final notice of business will be communicated by 30th January 2024.

The meeting will be physically attended by the new moderator and the new advisor appointed by World Taekwondo to take over the role of Mr Beck for the forthcoming term of office.

* Affiliate members are those that would have had their membership renewed by 23rd January 2024

Attached are the forms you may need:

  1. Nomination Form

  2. Duties of Care and Loyalty Form

  3. CV Template

20 January

MTA Dan Grading

28 February

Test Matches - Day 7 (Kids)