#25: 11 Of Malta’s Athletes Have Attained A New Black Belt

The Malta Taekwondo Association welcomes - and congratulates - 11 of its members for attaining a new black belt status.

The Dan Grading took place over two sessions on the 21st of January 2024 and was overseen by the Grandmaster and 9th Dan Black Belt - Dr Ali Reza Mohammadzadeh.

Dr Reza, also President of the Austrian Taekwondo Federation, is a WT delegate and renowned poomsae expert responsible for overseeing the grading of over 6,000 black belts.

On the day, the following athletes achieved a new Black Belt level:

Dan I

  1. Mamadou Balde

  2. Yihan Wang

  3. Nathan Degiorgio

  4. Dana Desira

  5. Denzel Lanzon

  6. Ela Trushi

Dan II

  1. Luke Chircop

  2. Shania Magro

  3. Kylie Magro

  4. Ditmir Vodinaj


  1. Aretina Chamaleli

The Association would like to thank the National Sports School for hosting the event on their premises. An additional thanks also go out to coaches Gianluca Barbara (ITL), El Amin Merabati (ITL), Jerome Vassallo (DAM), and Neville Desira (BTC) for coaching their respective participants and assisting during the event.

Congratulations to all members for this astounding accomplishment. To many more along your respective martial arts journey!


Gianluca is a certified and registered specialist in exercise and nutrition science. He is also a journalist and avid researcher on a mission to find the healthiest lifestyle, even while living on the fattest island in Europe.


#26: President’s Statement At The 2024 AGM


#24: Early Start for Malta’s Year With Intensive Training Camp