#44: Invitational Games For Small Countries 2024

Download the official WT-approved outline by clicking here.

Register from UpTKD by clicking here.


We would like to invite and welcome all eligible Small States to Malta for the next edition of our Invitational Games, to be held on the 7th till the 10th November.

This Malta Taekwondo Association (MTA) event will be hosted at the beautiful sports hall of the National Sports School (Pembroke); the very same venue that hosted the European Cadet Championships in 2023.

With this competition being given an E1/G1 status, the MTA is really looking forward to seeing the stars of our small countries compete together in what promises to be our biggest international event to date!

I wish each of you the very best of luck and hope you achieve your sporting aspirations and take away lifelong memories of a fantastic weekend.

Anna Vassallo
Malta Taekwondo Association President
ETU Vice-President
WT Council Member

Venue and Dates

The competition will take place at the National Sports School (WFFF+RH3, Sir L. Prezios, Pembroke, Malta) on the 7th till the 10th November.

The timetable for the event will be published on the Malta Taekwondo Association website (www.maltataekwondo.com). It is subject to change, so please check for updates.


·         Thursday 7th November
Registration of teams and players

·         Friday 8th November
Weigh-in for all ranked categories (cadet, junior & senior)

·         Saturday 9th November
Random weigh in for all ranked categories (cadet, junior & senior)
Competition for all ranked categories (cadet, junior & senior)
Weigh-in for all non-ranked categories (kids & masters)

·         Sunday 10th November
Competition for all non-ranked categories (kids & masters)
All poomsae categories

Matches will commence at 09:00 on all days of competition. Courts will close on a rolling basis for a one-hour lunch break from 13:00 till 14:00. Announcements will be made on the day to confirm the time and final matches before the lunch break.

Participant Eligibility


All participants of the ranked tournament must be members of eligible small countries. The non-ranked tournament is open to all.


The minimum age for a coach is 18 years. Coaches must bring and show identification at registration to collet coach passes and team packs.

Coach accreditation must be collected in person and can only be handed out to the named coach who has passed the audit.


All registered competitors for the ranked tournament must be a member of a small state. The non-ranked tournament is open to all.

Competitors must bring and show photo for identification purposes at the weigh-in.

Technical Officials

All Technical Officials present at the event will be appropriately qualified and have passed the required audit checks undertaken by the European Taekwondo Union (ranked) and Malta Taekwondo Association (non-ranked). If you have any issues about membership, please ask your club coach/instructor to contact the MTA on info@maltataekwondo.org.mt or on +356 99405186.

Competition Regulations

Novice categories are below 2nd Kup!

Weight Categories

Saturday 9th November

Cadets (Born in 2010, 2011 and 2012)

·         Male: -33kg, -37kg, -41kg, -45kg, -49kg, -53kg, -57kg, -61kg, -65kg, +65kg

·         Female: -29kg, -33kg, -37kg, -41kg, -41kg, -44kg, -51kg, -55kg, -59kg, +59kg

Juniors (Born in 2007, 2008 or 2009)

·         Male: -45kg, -48kg, -51kg, -55kg, -59kg, -63kg, -68kg, -73kg, -78kg, +78kg

·         Female: -42kg, -44kg, -46kg, -49kg, -52kg, -55kg, -59kg, -63kg, -68kg, +68kg

Seniors (Born in 2007 or before)

·         Male: -54kg, -58kg, -63kg, -68kg, -74kg, -80kg, -87kg, +87kg

·         Female: -46kg, -49kg, -53kg, -57kg, -62kg, -67kg, -73kg, +73kg
If there aren’t many competitors, the delegate may revert to Olympic weight categories.

Sunday 10th November

Masters (Born in 1989 and beyond)

·         Male: -58kg, -68kg, -80kg, +80kg

·         Female: -49kg, -57kg, -67kg, +67kg

Kids (Born in 2013, 2014 & 2015)

·         Male: -24kg, -26kg, -29kg, -32kg, -36kg, -40kg, -44kg, -48kg, +48kg

·         Female: -24kg, -26kg, -29kg, -32kg, -36kg, -40kg, -44kg, -48kg, +48kg


·         Kids will play 3 x rounds of 1 minute.

·         Cadets, Juniors & Masters will play 3 x rounds of 1 minute and 30 seconds.

·         Seniors will play 3 x rounds of 2 minutes.

·         The point gap rule will apply for all categories.

Weight Changes

If a player is unable to make weight, they can change division on the day of the weigh-in. Changes to weight division must be made in line with World Taekwondo rules for bodyweight divisions.

To provide the weight change service, there is an administration fee of €30 payable at the time of weigh-in.

Opening And Closing Dates

The entry portal for all categories will open at 12:00 on Monday 15 July 2024 and close at 12:00 on Monday 09 October 2024.

There is no cap on entry numbers for this event.

Players can be registered at any time during the registration process. Therefore, we encourage club coaches and instructors to only register players who will definitely compete at the event, and to ensure that all entry information is completed in full.

Coaches Per Athletes

1.       Coaches (2) à 1-5 athletes

2.       Coaches (3) à 6-10 athletes

3.       Coaches (4) à 11-15 athletes

4.       Coaches (5) à 16-20 athletes

5.       Coaches (6) à 20-25 athletes

Additional coaching passes may be purchased for €30 each. An additional coach application form can be requested from info@maltataekwondo.org.mt. Additional coaching passes cannot be purchased at the event.

Coaches will only be permitted ringside if they have an athlete competing. Coaches may only attend the court at the ringside coach positions and must leave the field of play immediately at the end of the match.

Coaches must wear appropriate attire (ideally a team kit).

Scoring System

Daedo Electronic Body Protector systems and headguards will be used for all athletes competing on all days. Athletes must provide their own Daedo socks.

Full World Taekwondo Competition Rules will be applied as per new rules adopted 1st September 2023. All Athletes will be provided with a Daedo Electronic body protector and e-headguards. All athletes should bring their own Daedo socks and other PPE/equipment.

Doping Control

MTA and its members are subject to the World Anti-Doping Code and the list of prohibited substances and methods in force at the time of the event. Doping control may be undertaken at random.


Individual Awards will be presented to the tournament champions, 2nd place and 2 x 3rd place per category.

Team awards will be presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams each day for the competition. Overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place team trophy will be presented on the final day. Team awards are calculated based on points accumulated by players representing clubs:

·         1st Place (9 points)

·         2nd Place (6 points)

·         3rd Place (3 points)

·         4th Place (2 points).

If there is a tie in overall team points, the number of gold medals will be considered.

Uniform and Equipment

All athletes must wear World Taekwondo recognised uniforms and protective equipment. A list of companies which supply WT recognised protective equipment can be found on the WT website: www.worldtaekwondo.org/wtpartners-wt/recognize.html

Mouthguards should be white or transparent and at least 4mm thick. It is mandatory to always wear a mouthguard.

Athletes with braces must wear a custom mouthguard issued by a dentist. Athletes with braces MUST consult their dentist for customized mouthguard(s) before participating in competition.

Any athlete with brace(s) must follow one of below options:

1.        Double mouthguard for braces (which covers both upper and lower teeth and braces

2.       Full upper mouth guard for brace AND partial coverage lower mouthguard for brace (which covers at least 6 teeth).

Jewellery And Piercings

All jewellery & piercings must be removed before athletes arrive at the inspection desk as this causes substantial delays to matches when athletes need to remove them at inspection. We ask all coaches to ensure their athletes remove items beforehand. Athletes may miss or forfeit their match if they cannot meet competition rules.

False Nails And Lashes

All acrylic nails & false lashes including extensions must be removed before athletes arrive at the inspection desk as this causes substantial delays to matches and the inspection area when athletes have to remove them. We ask all coaches to ensure their athletes remove items beforehand. Athletes may miss or forfeit their match if they cannot meet competition rules.


All contestants will be required to proceed to the inspection desk before entering the competition area. At inspection Officials will check the uniform and protective equipment, presence of any jewellery, piercing, false nails and lashes. Any contestant wearing non-recognised or approved equipment, or other items not permitted in the field of play will not be permitted to compete.


Instant Video replay (IVR) will be used for all matches on all courts throughout the tournament.


Protests will be available for the event. Protests will cost €200; this is non-refundable . The protest procedure will be in line with World Taekwondo rules.


All competitors are considered to be participating at their own risk. MTA assumes no responsibility for any damages, injuries or losses. By submitting a competitor or coach application you are confirming that you are fit and able to take part in this competition and do not suffer from any illness or condition that would prevent you from taking part.


All competitors and coaches must bring PHOTO identification to registration /weigh-in. Unfortunately, any competitor or coach who fails to produce photo ID for inspection may not be able take part in the competition. This is at the full discretion of the competition organisers.

Entry Fees

The entry fee for athletes for this event is €50 for kids and masters and €80 for all ranked categories. There are no entry fees for spectators.

Spectator Behaviour

This event is a family friendly event with a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of abuse. Verbal abuse of any kind, towards event & venue staff , opposing teams and particularly children is never acceptable. Taekwondo values expect people to be respectful whilst enjoying participating in, and supporting at, events. The venue also has a zero-tolerance policy with regards to poor behaviour and people will be asked to leave the venue if found to be abusing others.

Photography And Video Recording

By registering to compete at the event, participants agree to have their image taken whilst in the venue by both MTA, the media and members of the public. In addition, images captured at the event may be shown on video, TV and online.


If you would like to contribute to the success of this event, there are many volunteering opportunities available. Please contact MTA to register your interest and receive more information: info@maltataekwondo.org.mt

Registration & Weigh-In

Registration & Weigh-In

All registration and weigh ins will take place at the competition venue. For all competitors, the registration of teams will take place on the 7th November. The weigh-in for all ranked competitors will take place on the 8th November, while the weigh-in for all non-ranked competitors will take place on the 9th November.

All weigh-ins will be held at 15:00 till 18:00.

Drawing Of Lots

The drawing of lots for the ranked and non-ranked tournaments will take place immediately after each weigh-in closes. The drawsheets will be published and sent to coaches thereafter.

Coaches should pay particular attention to those athletes competing in the first few matches on each court and ensure they are at the venue in good time to warm up and prepare.

Random Weigh-In

Random weigh in will take place for the ranked Cadet/Junior/Senior age categories excluding + weight categories. Random weigh in will follow World Taekwondo protocol:

·         >32 athletes à 20% of total athletes selected

·         17 – 32 athletes à 6 athletes

·         9 – 6 athletes à 4 athletes

·         4 – 8 athletes à 2 athletes

·         >4 athletes à 0 athletes

The random weigh in will take place at 0800 on Saturday 9th of November at the competition venue with the selection published on the MTA website and Facebook page. The list will also be sent directly to coaches. The random weigh in lists will be published at 0600 on Saturday 9th November, 2 hours before the random weigh in commences.


-24kg, -26kg, -29kg, -32kg, -36kg, -40kg, -44kg, -48kg, +48kg


Kids- Male - under 24 kg

  1. Xavier Spiteri (Malta)

  2. Tyas Mifsud Calleja (Malta)

  3. Zach Zammit (Malta)

  4. Kieran Vella (Malta)

  5. Dwayne Micallef (Malta)

Kids- Male - under 32 kg

  1. Zak Kitcher Deguara (Malta)

  2. Gatt Oliver (Malta)

  3. Tim W (Luxembourg)

  4. Aidan Abela Taylor (Malta) - NOVICE

Kids- Male - under 36 kg

  1. Noah Kitcher Deguara (Malta)

  2. Firayaad Abdela (Malta)

Kids- Male - under 40 kg

  1. Andrew Catania (Malta)

  2. Dailen Barbara (Malta)

Kids- Male - under 48 kg

  1. Jonar (Faroe Islands)

Kids - Female - under 24 kg

  1. Alaya Shembesh Gatt (Malta)

  2. Emma Lautier (Malta)

Kids - Female - under 26 kg

  1. Fatma Azzam (Malta)

Kids - Female - under 32 kg

  1. Aisha Shembesh Gatt (Malta)

  2. Emma Gellel (Malta)

Kids - Female - under 36 kg

  1. Ella Schembri (Malta)

Kids - Female - under 40 kg

  1. Eva Mifsud Calleja (Malta)

  2. Nina Gellel (Malta)

Kids - Female - over 48 kg

  1. Kendra Magro (Malta)


Cadet - Male - under 33 kg

  1. Luca Falzon (Malta) - NOVICE

Cadet - Male - under 37 kg

  1. Jerrold (Faroe Islands)

  2. Jean Schembri (Malta)

  3. Alexandros Litvyakov (Malta) - NOVICE

Cadet - Male - under 45 kg

  1. Stefan (Faroe Islands)

  2. Brayden Micallef (Malta)

  3. Matteo (Malta) - NOVICE

  4. Sherzod Bazarov (Malta) - NOVICE

Cadet - Male - under 57 kg

  1. Luke Chircop (Malta)

Cadet - Female - under 44 kg

  1. Aina Sanchez (Andorra)

Cadet - Female - under 47 kg

  1. Iona Linan (Andorra)

Cadet - Female - under 55 kg

  1. Merobika Abdela (Malta)


Junior - Male - under 41 kg

  1. Robin Zammit (Malta)

Junior - Male - under 48 kg

  1. Samuel Vella (Malta)

  2. Thomas Albani (San Marino)

Junior - Male - under 51 kg

  1. Nathan Degiorgio (Malta)

Junior - Male - under 55 kg

  1. Unai Sanchez (Andorra)

  2. Dean Spiteri (Malta)

  3. Fergeson Galea (Malta)

  4. Federico Amati (San Marino)

  5. Achille Tentoni (San Marino)

Junior - Male - under 59 kg

  1. Guillem Babor (Andorra)

  2. Boas H (Faroe Islands)

  3. Leo Golovkin (Latvia)

  4. Vasilije Nestoric (Montenegro)

Junior - Male - under 63 kg

  1. Artur (Faroe Islands)

  2. Mario Vukovic (Montenegro)

  3. Luca Wunsch (Luxembourg)

  4. Christopher Wunsch (Luxembourg)

Junior - Male - under 68 kg

  1. Ognjen Komatina (Montenegro)

  2. Emes Dushku (Montenegro)

Junior - Male - under 73 kg

  1. Mateo Muratovic (Montenegro)

Junior - Female - under 42 kg

  1. Michela Scerri (Malta)

Junior - Female - under 52 kg

  1. Ella Scerri (Malta)

Junior - Female - under 55 kg

  1. Lisa Vrosch (Luxembourg)

Junior - Female - under 59 kg

  1. Haizea Martinez (Andorra)

  2. Erica Jijie (Andorra)

  3. Marta Dikaua (Latvia)

  4. Aretina Chamaleli (Malta)

  5. Alycia Cassar (Malta)

  6. Lennie Mangen (Luxembourg)

Junior - Female - under 63 kg

  1. Vladislava Mocalina (Latvia)


Senior - Male - under 68 kg

  1. Seddik Bobekar (Andorra)

  2. Jonas (Faroe Islands)

  3. Michele Mezzanotte (San Marino)

Senior - Male - under 74 kg

  1. Boas A (Faroe Islands)

  2. Hogni (Faroe Islands)

  3. Jerome Vassallo (Malta)

  4. Christian Urrego (Malta)

  5. Ashik Sunil (Malta)

  6. Stefano Crescentini (San Marino)

Senior - Male - over 87 kg

  1. Czarek Poczobutt Odlanicki (Malta)

  2. Matthew Mougeot (San Marino)

Senior - Female - under 49 kg

  1. Naiara Linan (Andorra)

  2. Carlota Rodriguez (Andorra)

  3. Klara (Faroe Islands)

Senior - Female - under 57 kg

  1. Zoe Tausaus (Andorra)

  2. Shania Magro (Malta)

  3. Nicole Bunce (Malta)

Senior - Female - under 62 kg

  1. Anastasija Mocalina (Latvia)

Senior - Female - over 73 kg

  1. Viktoria Helviga (Latvia)


Master - Male - under 80 kg

  1. Matthias (Faroe Islands)

  2. Gianluca Barbara (Malta)

  3. Lounes Beroual (France)


  1. Benjamin (Faroe Islands)

  2. Jovo Mirkovic (Malta)

  3. Sinan Koruk (Malta)

  4. Abiah Gill (Malta)

  5. Jack Zarb (Malta)


Gianluca is a certified and registered specialist in exercise and nutrition science. He is also a journalist and avid researcher on a mission to find the healthiest lifestyle, even while living on the fattest island in Europe.


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