#20: Malta National Open 2023

Here’s all you need to know about our competitors, schedule, and other info regarding the event.



Female -20kg (B)

  1. Giulia Carozzino, green, 2017 (Brindisi Gold, Italy)

  2. Tyas Mifsud Calleja, yellow tag, 2017, (ITL, Malta)

Female -24kg (A)

  1. Emma Lautier, green, 2015 (ITL, Malta)

Female -36kg (B)

  1. Eva Mifsud Calleja, green, 2014 (ITL, Malta)

  2. Aisha Shembesh Gatt, green, 2014 (DAM, Malta)

  3. Ella Schembri, blue tag, 2015 (ITL, Malta)

  4. Mancini Martina, yellow tag, 2012 (Invictus, Italy)

Female -48kg

  1. Merobika Abdela, green tag, 2012 (ITL, Malta)

  2. Giulia Dicursi, yellow tag, 2011 (Invictus, Italy)

Male -22kg (B)

  1. Kieran Vella, green belt, 2015 (ITL, Malta)

  2. Tyas Mifsud Calleja, yellow tag, 2017 (ITL, Malta)

Male -24kg (A)

  1. Dwayne Micallef, blue tag, 2015 (ITL, Malta)

  2. Zach Zammit, green belt, 2014 (ITL, Malta)

  3. Souleymane Dif, orange belt, 2015 (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois, France)

Male -30kg (B)

  1. Firyaad Abdela, green tag, 2014, (ITL, Malta)

  2. Tiziano Damien Falbo, green, 2014, (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois, France)

  3. Gabriele Carozzino, green tag, 2014, (Brindisi Gold, Italy)

  4. Alessandro De Mauro, yellow tag, 2015 (Invictus, Italy)

Male -33kg (A)

  1. Stefano Di Palmo, red tag, 2013 (Brindisi Gold, Italy)

  2. Malik Beroual, red tag, 2013 (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois, France)

Male -36kg (B)

  1. Oliver Gatt, green, 2014 (ITL, Malta)

  2. Andrew Catania, green, 2013 (DAM, Malta)

  3. Luca Falzon, yellow, 2011 (ITL, Malta)

Male -48kg (B)

  1. Capone Francesco, yellow tag, 2012 (Invictus, Italy)

  2. D'Errico Salvatore Antonio, yellow tag, 2013 (Invictus, Italy)

  3. Gabriele De Mauro, Blue tag, 2012 (Invictus, Italy)

Male -52kg (B)

  1. Filograno Pietro, red, 2012 (Invictus, Italy)

  2. Mario Francioso, blue tag, 2014 (Brindisi Gold, Italy)

  3. Mattia Longo, yellow tag, 2013 (Invictus, Italy)


Female -44kg (A)

  1. Dana Desira, red, 2008 (BTC, Malta)

  2. Michela Scerri, poom II, 2009 (ITL, Malta)

  3. Dimitri Lydia Angela, blue tag, 2011 (Invictus, Italy)

Female -61kg (B)

  1. Nappi Gabriele, yellow tag, 2011, (Invictus, Italy)

  2. Matteo Cassar, yellow tag, 2011, (ITL, Malta)

Male -33kg (A)

  1. Malik Beroual, red tag, 2013, (Taekwondo Club Velleneuvois, France)

  2. Alessandro De Mauro, yellow tag, 2015, (Invictus, Italy)

Male -37kg (A)

  1. Robin Zammit, red, 2011, (ITL, Malta)

  2. Davide Ancora, poom I, 2010 (Brindisi Gold, Italy)

Male -37kg (B)

  1. Aleksandros Litvyakov, yellow, 2011, (ITL, Malta)

  2. Matteo Cassar, yellow tag, 2011, (ITL, Malta)

Male -41kg (A)

  1. Brayden Micallef, red tag, 2011, (ITL, Malta)

Male -49kg (A)

  1. Samuel Vella, red, 2009, (DAM, Malta)

  2. Dean Spiteri, yellow, 2011, (BTC, Malta)

Male -57kg (A)

  1. Tommaso Truppi, poom I, 2010 (Brindisi Gold, Italy)

  2. Luke Chircop, poom I, 2010 (DAM, Malta)


Female -55kg (A)

  1. Alycia Cassar, red tag, 2009, (ITL, Malta)

  2. Elisa Martina, poom I, 2010, Di Lauro, Italy)

Female -59kg (A + Seniors)

  1. Stefano Antonia Andrea, poom I, 2008 (Di Lauro, Italy)

  2. Antoinetta Elia Giada, poom I, 2007, (Di Lauro, Italy)

  3. Clarissa Cavaliere, green, 2008, (Di Lauro, Italy)

  4. Giulia Musiello, dan I, 2000, (Invictus, Italy)

Male -55kg (A)

  1. Fergeson Galea, yellow, 2007, (ITL, Malta)

  2. Nathan Degiorgio, poom I, 2009, (DAM, Malta)

  3. Soufiane Dif, poom I, 2007, (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois, France)

  4. Paolo Molfetta, red, 2008, (Di Lauro, Italy)

  5. Matteo Claudio Ciccarese, poom I, 2008 (Di Lauro, Italy)


Male -58kg (B)

  1. Marco Cavallo, green tag, 2003, (Brindisi Gold, Italy)

  2. Saydou Diao, yellow, 2003, (ITL, Malta)

Male -80kg (A)

  1. Mamadou Balde, black tag, 1994 (ITL. Malta)

  2. Capogrosso Salvatore Nicolò, dan I, 2004, (Invictus, Italy)

  3. Theo Totut, II dan, 2001 (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois, France)


Male -80kg (A)

  1. Gianluca Barbara, dan IV, 1989, (ITL, Malta)

  2. Lounes Beroual, dan V 1977, (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois, France)

Total Number Of Competitors

  1. Iron Taekwondo League (ITL), Malta: 21

  2. Invictus, Italy: 12

  3. Brindisi Gold, Italy: 6

  4. Di Lauro, Italy: 6

  5. Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois, France: 7

  6. Dragon Academy Malta (DAM), Malta: 5

  7. Birzebbuga Taekwondo Club (BTC), Malta: 2

Weigh-in & Accreditation

  • 2nd December 2023 at 15:00 - 15:30: Weigh-In for Local Athletes (Female) at Iron Taekwondo League, Santa Venera

  • 2nd December 2023 at 15:30 - 16:00: Weigh-In for Local Athletes (Male) at Iron Taekwondo League, Santa Venera

  • 2nd December 2023 at 20:00 - 20:30: Weigh-In for Foreign Athletes (Female) at LaBranda Hotel

  • 2nd December 2023 at 20:30 - 21:00: Weigh-In for Foreign Athletes (Male) at LaBranda Hotel


Mediterranean College Of Sports, Birkirkara

Competition Date

Sunday 3rd December 2023 @ 09.00

Competition System

Single elimination tournament system.

Contest Time

  • Masters: Rounds of 1 minute, 1-minute break between each round

  • Seniors: Rounds of 1.5 minutes, 1-minute break between each round

  • Juniors: Rounds of 1.5 minutes, 1-minute break between each round

  • Cadets: Rounds of 1,5 minutes, 1-minute break between each round

  • Kids: Rounds of 1 minute, 1-minute break between each round

Technical Delegate can adjust the contest time as he sees fit.

Sport Equipment

PSS – System  Daedo International Generation 2, with electronic headgear provided by the OC.

Kids categories to supply their headguards. All athletes are to bring their protective equipment.

Athletes can only use WT-recognized products while participating in the event. See a list of recognized products at: http://www.worldtaekwondo.org/wtf-partners/recognized/

Only WT-recognized equipment is allowed groin-, forearm-, shin-, mouthpiece, Daedo sensor socks and gloves shall be brought by the contestants, which is compulsory. Sensor socks will not be provided by the organization.

Field Of Play regulations

By accepting an accreditation card, all accredited persons agree to comply with the Field of Play regulations applicable at Taekwondo events. Only the competitors and their coaches will have admittance with valid accreditations to the contest areas.

Awards Individual Awards

1st place – gold medal and a certificate

2nd place – silver medal and a certificate

3rd place – two bronze medals and a certificate

All participants will receive a certificate of participation

Access To Field Of Play

Only one (1) coach, one (1) athlete, and one (1) officially licensed Medical Doctor are allowed to enter the Field of Play with their official accreditation. The OC has the right to refuse participants access to the Field of Play


Transportation will be provided at a cost

Labranda Hotel to Venue  Sunday 3rd December at 07.30

Venue to Labranda 3rd December once the event finishes.


It is the responsibility of each registering team to ensure that their athletes and team officials have filled out the indemnification forms correctly and have duly signed them, thereby indemnifying the Organizing Committee and all other officials and athletes from any claims of injuries, losses arising in the course of participation at the Malta National Open 2023 or any activities linked therewith. It is the responsibility of each registered team to ensure and guarantee that sufficient insurance coverage has been arranged for all athletes, team officials, and other participants. Without sufficient insurance coverage, teams will not be allowed to compete.

Medical Insurance

All participating athletes, coaches, and team officials shall have mandatory medical insurance that covers medical care and in case of emergency repatriation to home country. All relevant documents proving that such insurance is present, including insurance policy papers, should be taken to the event in case a medical situation occurs

Fight Numbers

  • 101 - Fergeson Galea (ITL) vs Claudio Matteo Ciccarese (Di Lauro, Italy)

  • 102 - Nathan Degiorgio (DAM) vs Paolo Molfetta (Di Lauro, Italy) = 2:1

  • 103 - [WINNER 101; Fergeson Galea (ITL)] vs Soufiane Dif (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois Lo Vent, France) = 2:1

  • 104 - Eva Mifsud Calleja (ITL) vs Aisha Shembesh Gatt (DAM) = 2:0

  • 105 - Ella Schembri (ITL) vs Martina Mancini (Invictus, Italy) = 0:2

  • 106 - Andrea Antonia Stefano (Di Lauro, Italy) vs Giulia Musiello (Invictus, Italy) = 2:0

  • 107 - Antoinetta Elia Giada (Di Lauro, Italy) vs Clarissa Cavaliere (Di Lauro, Italy) = 2:0

  • 108 - Gabriele De Mauro (Invictus, Italy) vs Antonio Salvatore D’errico (Invictus) = 2:1

  • 109 - Zach Zammit (ITL) vs Souleymane Dif (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois Lo Vent, France) = 2:1

  • 110 - Oliver Gatt (ITL) vs Andrew Catania (DAM) = 2:1

  • 111 - Pietro Filograno (Invictus, Italy) vs Mario Francioso (Brindisi Gold, Italy) = WDR

  • 112 - Michela Scerri (ITL) vs Dana Desira (BTC) = 2:0

  • 113 - Mamadou Balde (ITL) vs Salvatore Nicolo Capogrosso (Invictus, Italy) = WDR

  • 114 - Firyaad Abdela (ITL) vs Gabriele Corrazzino (Brindisi Gold, Italy) = 2:0

  • 115 - [WINNER 102; Nathan Degiorgio] vs [WINNER 103; Fergeson Galea (ITL)] = 0:2

  • 116 - [WINNER 104; Eva Mifsud Calleja] vs [WINNER 105; Martina Mancini (Invictus)] = 0:2

  • 117 - [WINNER 106; Andrea Antonia Stefano (Di Lauro, Italy)] vs [WINNER 107; Antoinetta Elia Giada (Di Lauro, Italy)] = 2:0

  • 118 - [WINNER 108; Francesco De Mauro (Invictus)] vs Francesco Capone (Invictus, Italy) = 2:1

  • 119 - [WINNER 109; Zach Zammit] vs Dwayne Micallef (ITL) = 2:1

  • 120 - [WINNER 110; Oliver Gatt (ITL)] vs Luca Falzon (ITL) = 0:2

  • 121 - [WINNER 111’ Francesco Capone (Brindisi Gold)] vs Mattia Longo (Invictus, Italy) = WDR

  • 122 - [WINNER 112; Michela Scerri (ITL)] vs Lydia Angela Dimitri (Invictus, Italy) = 2:0

  • 123 - [WINNER 113; Capogrosso Salvatore Nicolo] vs Theo Totut (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois Lo Vent, France) = 0:2

  • 124 - [WINNER 114; Firyaad Abdela] vs Damien Falbon T (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois Lo Vent, France) = 0:2

  • 125 - Stefano Di Palmo (Brindisi Gold, Italy) vs Malik Beroual (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois Lo Vent, France) = 0:2

  • 126 - Matteo Cassar (ITL) vs Aleksandros Katsampoulas (ITL) = 2:0

  • 127 - Giulia Dicursi (Invictus, Italy) vs Merobika Abdela (ITL) = 0:2

  • 128 - Elisa Martina (Di Lauro, Italy) vs Alycia Cassar (ITL) = 2:0

  • 129 - Gianluca Barbara (ITL) vs Lounes Beroual (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois Lo Vent, France) = 0:2

  • 130 - Saydou Diao (ITL) vs Marco Cavallo (Brindisi Gold, Italy) = 2:0

  • 131 - Robin Zammit (ITL) vs Davide Ancora (Brindisi Gold, Italy) = 0:2

  • 132 - Samuel Vella (DAM) vs Filograno Pietro (Invictus) = 1:2

  • 133 - Luke Chircop (DAM) vs Tommaso Truppi (Brindisi Gold, Italy) = 1:2

  • 134 - Kieran Vella (ITL) vs Tyas Mifsud Calleja (ITL) = 2:0


  • 135 - Giulia Corrazzino (Brindisi Gold, Italy) vs Tyas Mifsud Calleja (ITL) = 1:2

  • 136 - Malik Beroual (Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois Lo Vent, France) vs Robin Zammit (ITL) = 0:2

  • 137 - Pietro Filograno (Invictus) vs Dean Spiteri (BTC) = 2:0

Gold Medals

  1. Iron Taekwondo League (ITL), Malta: 6

  2. Taekwondo Club Villeneuvois, France: 4

  3. Invictus, Italy: 3

  4. Brindisi Gold, Italy: 3

  5. Di Lauro, Italy: 2

  6. Dragon Academy Malta (DAM), Malta: 0

  7. Birzebbuga Taekwondo Club (BTC), Malta: 0


Gianluca is a certified and registered specialist in exercise and nutrition science. He is also a journalist and avid researcher on a mission to find the healthiest lifestyle, even while living on the fattest island in Europe.


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