#29: MTA Test Matches Will Resume In February 2024

The MTA is thrilled to announce the return of its monthly Test Matches. This year, however, the fight days will have a new format.

Like last year’s Test Matches, they will take place monthly. But instead of having kids, cadets, juniors, and seniors take part on the same fight day, kids (11 years or under) will be separated from the remainder (cadets, juniors, and seniors).

This measure will enhance engagement and better allow the on-site volunteers (among whom will include Association officials) to manage the event more effectively.

Taking place at Iron Taekwondo League, Santa Venera, each match day will take place on the last Saturday of every month (except Fight Day I, which will take place on Wednesday 28th February 2024). This means you’ll have to mark your calendars as follows:

  • Wednesday 28th February at 17:00 till 19:00 - Kids

  • Saturday 30th March at 08:00 till 10:00 - Cadets, Juniors & Seniors

  • Saturday 27th April at 08:00 till 10:00 - Kids

  • Saturday 25th May at 08:00 till 10:00 - Cadets, Juniors & Seniors

  • Saturday 29th June at 08:00 till 10:00 - Kids

  • Saturday 27th July at 08:00 till 10:00 - Cadets Juniors & Seniors

  • Saturday 31st August at 08:00 till 10:00 - Kids

  • Saturday 28th September at 08:00 till 10:00 - Cadets, Juniors & Seniors

  • Saturday 26th October at 08:00 till 10:00 - Kids

  • Saturday 30th November at 08:00 till 10:00 - Cadets, Juniors & Seniors

Important Information

Venue: Iron Taekwondo League.

Registration: You will have to inform your club coach by no later than the last Wednesday before the test matches.

Deadline: The last Wednesday before the test matches.

Fee: €5 per person per session.

Guaranteed: Every kid will have at least one fight.

Encouragement: We urge all athletes to participate!

Fair Competition: We'll strive to match athletes within their category. Unfortunately, this will not always be possible, but the on-site organizers will be as realistic and as fair as possible.

Frequency: Test Matches will happen once every two months for each age group.

Inform Your Club Coach If You Want To Take Part

To take part in these events, all you need to do is tell your respective club coach to put you on his squad list for the event. This needs to be done by no later than the Wednesday before Fight Day. This is because the MTA will need to categorize the fighters and prepare a match list before the event day. It would also need to find volunteers to help out on the day. So please adhere to the times.

Details required:

  1. Name (e.g. John Smith)

  2. Gender (e.g. Male)

  3. Age (e.g. 10 Years Old)

  4. Club (e.g. Iron Taekwondo League)

  5. Actual Weight (e.g. 33 kg)

  6. Current Belt (e.g. White Belt)

Also, just a kind reminder to bring all your personal protective equipment except a chest guard. You will need:

  • Mouth Shield

  • Head Guard (for kids)

  • Forearm Guards

  • Shin Guards

  • Groin Guards

  • TKD Gloves

  • Daedo Esocks

  • Any additional protections like elbow pads, knee pads, and boxing gloves are not mandatory but encouraged


Gianluca is a certified and registered specialist in exercise and nutrition science. He is also a journalist and avid researcher on a mission to find the healthiest lifestyle, even while living on the fattest island in Europe.


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